Habte Weldesimon's history

Habte has been the winner of the Giro di Eritrea for three years in a row at the age of 22!! Cycling is the biggest sport in Eritrea, so it is clear how famous Habte is in his home country! In Asmara he cannot walk the streets without people calling him, people call 'Habtega' from everywhere.
After riding for the Marco Polo amateur team in Europe, with good results, Habte did get a chance last year, to race against the professionals with the Marco Polo Cycling Team. He grabbed this chance convincingly and is now considered as one of the biggest talents in the team.
Habte a very talented cyclist, he adjusted very fast to the European racing style and we hope that he will soon have a girlfriend, as he says he is not interested until he is on a big professional team!
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