Walter Rutt - the kaiser

In Morsbach, a small municipality of the city Wuerselen, not far of Aachen, walter Ruett saw the light of the world on 12 September 1883. When child was strongly weakened by a number of serious diseases and physically first somewhat schmaechtig, its bicycle the means, which for it independence did not only provide, but in many and long routes an above average strength developed. Although it seemed almost suited thereby to the wheel running driver, it had to succeed at first against the will of its strict nut/mother, who the sport of their son sceptically opposite. Caroline Ruett believed firmly, it as a running driver in shrinking craze would get sick or on a course to death would fall. Thus walter completed a running initially only with knowledge of the father and put its first winner cup from fear of punishment into a shoe cardboard, which he dug under stinging Elbe first smoking in the parental garden.
On recommending the world champion of the yearly 1894, August teach, became walter Ruett already with 17 years professional and ranked first in the Rhine country, soon in completely Germany, among the most popular drivers. Its friendly face woke many sympathies and provided for it numerous Verehrer. In addition it was not considered to defeats as expressed fair, victories drove out it always perfectly and to admit, prepared for it problems. It did not show itself as worthy successors Willy Arends, to its star slowly went out and showed wrong respect, if it met the international extra class. After his first victories over drivers such as Thorvald Ellegaard, Henry Mayer and franc Kramer took place the endgltige break-through and 1904 was considered it as the best flier of the world.
No day passed, on which in Europe opposite wheel printer did not stand themselves somewhere and embittered for the favour of the public and high prize moneys fought. Informed the trailers in Germany were Radwelt by, one in high edition produced magazine, at whose editorship point of the citizens of Berlin Adolf Schulze. Indication for the popularity of the newspaper in addition, the cycle racing evenly at all was the fact that?Radwelt? appeared daily.
In the USA meanwhile the sechstagerennen experienced a tremendous upswing. The idea, crews from in each case two drivers, who were allowed to become detached at will to let 144 hours drive long on a small course found enormous interest and filled those to resounding. The American Floyd Mac far country had the ability walter Ruetts to be able to drive also over long distances high speed recognized, and persuaded him to the participation on New Yorker sechstagerennen the 1906. The German-American crew achieved a good third rank. In the subsequent year Ruett at the side of the dutchman John Stol the first victory in the Madison Square guards and the newspapers in the USA succeeded estimated itself with Lobeshymnen. 1909 drove the pair Ruett Clark the lap of honour, 1912 won Joe Fogler at the side of the German.
In Berlin, which experienced 1909 its first sechstagerennen, one showed 1910 an active interest to engage walter Ruett for a start. This lived only abroad, predominantly in France, since he had not followed his rack obligation and now from fear before arrest did not dare to pass the German national borders. The Kronprinz personally sat down for a pardon Ruetts and under tremendous rejoicing to these in Berlin was received. At the side of Jack Clark it won not only delivering 1910, but with John Stol also the next three running to the Spree. 1911 triumphed the pair in addition in Frankfurt. Later walter Ruett its first citizen of Berlin six-day victory than that, which had affected him by feel at most, designated years.
The Sprinterqualitaeten had suffered no break-down by the six-day activities and did not only triumph in the year 1913, when walter Ruett concentrated again completely on the fly running, it in the large prices of Paris, Copenhagen and Berlin, but crowned its career on 31 August with the victory with the flier world championships in Leipzig before Thorvald Ellegaard and Andre Perchicot.
During the First World War walter Ruett worked as a teacher of kraftradfahrern in the barracks in Lankwitz, further successfully denied a running and became 1925 in its wahlheimat Berlin again winners of the sechstagerennens. To the side thereby the Belgian Emile Aerts stood for it
After 25-year old activity as professional drivers on the cycle tracks of the world it had 933 victories in uncounted running not only to register but also 173 heavy falls walter Ruett drove his parting round on 12 January 1926 in the citizen of Berlin sport palace, whereby the final keeps in track by its son Oskar was tightened, which had likewise become wheel professional, without being able to continue the inheritance of its father. wheel racing commentated the evening with the words: some eye filled with tears, a piece of history of German wheel racing to grave was carried here.
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