The young talented women cyclist Marketa Hájková

The young talented women cyclist Hájková sign to the professional Italian UCI
Team for the season 2019 to Team Servetto Stradalli AluRecycling
Marketa Hajkova Czceh National rider in category women junior.

She is in this year champion of the Czech Republic in the ITT and TT for two. She
was second one in the Czech Championship in junior category road race,
She wos twelve at this year's in European Championship in the ITT.

Markéta is rider of the Czech club SKP Duha Lanškroun under the sport direction of
Mr. Petr Buchacek and the coach of Mr. Michal Rotter.
The new contract for the year 2019 it is for Markéta the chance to start in the
highest category of races and to be in a women professional peloton.

Marketa say: "I'm very happy with the contrct fwith thw Italian UCI Team Servetto
Stradalli AluRecycling.
I took advantage of this offer because I want to get as much possible to grow up as in
cycling and in my life too.
I also hope that I can to participate in some bigger races and compare with the
absolute best women cycling rider. So this chance was my dream to be in professional
UCI Team.
I spent the last few days at the training camp in Italy, where I met for the first time
the team staff , director and the future team colleagues and feel very comfortable.
I have a great feeling about the camps attending girls from different parts of the
world (France, Eritrea, Curacao, Italy). The positive one is that the team takes my age
and the school I want to finish with a school-leaving examination next year.
At the same time, I would like to thank not only my current team and the coach for
the work and time they gave me in the youth categories, but also my current team of
people who helped me to emerge abroad, and especially to my family, friends, boyfriendsand
all who supporting me all the time. "

Servetto Stradalli AluRecycling team manager Dario Rossino to Marketa said:
"Markéta is a young raider. I think if she works well in the training, she will be a very
good rider in a future. In our Team she have a chance to really grow up"
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