Rider Professional (Cod: 3204)

Born in SCHAAN on 27 March 1953

N.B. Fratello di Peter e Sigmund.

Bandiera LIE
Rankings Victories Age (years)
Podiums 1°-10° Total placements Victories in stage races Stages victories Victories in the sprint First victory Last victory
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Year Team Country Type Note
1989 Hermann Radsport Zenter SUI fino a febbraio
1989 individuale
1988 Hermann Radsport Zenter SUI
1987 Xorella - Colnago - Look SUI
1987 Hermann Radsport Zenter SUI
1986 Hermann Radsport Zenter SUI
1985 Hermann Radsport Zenter SUI
1984 Hermann Radsport Zenter SUI
1983 Hermann Radsport Zenter SUI
1982 Hermann Radsport Zenter SUI
1981 Hermann Radsport Zenter SUI
1980 Colnago ITA
1979 individuale
1978 Tigra SUI
1978 Bianchi - Colvert ITA
1977 Tigra SUI
1976 Tigra SUI
1975 dilettante fino a settembre
1975 Tigra SUI da settembre
1974 dilettante
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Note: All the data on this site were collected by Paolo Mannini from newspapers, books, online web archive, digital archive and on line forums. All the people who wants to help us collecting more data can send an email to Paolo Mannini or to MuseoCiclismo